What is Blog?

"Blog" is a curtailed rendition of "weblog," which is a term used to portray sites that keep a continuous narrative of data. A blog highlights journal type critique and connections to articles on different sites, generally introduced as a rundown of passages in switch sequential request. Web journals range from the individual to the political, and can zero in on one thin subject or an entire scope of subjects.


What is blogging? What is Blogger Website? AK Tech

Many web journals center around a specific point, for example, website architecture, home arranging, sports, or portable innovation. Some are more varied, introducing connections to a wide range of different locales. Furthermore, others are more similar to individual diaries, introducing the creator's day to day routine and contemplations.

What is blogging? What is Blogger Website? AK Tech

Who is blogger?

A blogger is an individual who possesses or runs a blog or an individual who keeps up with the blog. That is, posting articles or new posts, data, sharing the most forward-thinking news, sentiments and contextual investigations to give some examples. Such passages are known as blog entries.

What is blogging? What is Blogger Website? AK Tech

What kind of site is Blogger?

A blog (another way to say "weblog") is an internet based diary or enlightening site show to an individual, gathering, or enterprise that offers routinely refreshed content (blog entry) about a point. It presents data in switch sequential request and it's written in a casual or conversational style. A blogger is somebody who composes routinely for an internet based diary or site. A political blogger could give week after week discourse on recent developments.